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Jari Höllerer
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Hey quick update: We are super sorry, but we're currently having technical issues but are working on fixing it as fast as possible. Hopefully back up in a few hours!
Turn your ideas into 3h+ custom Audiobooks
Jari Höllerer
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"Yeah really, with this new AI thing you could generate a full book if you wanted to..."
- If you're like me, you've probably said something along those lines recently, trying to explain the incredible leaps in AI to less tech savvy people. But if it's such an obvious use case, why isn't it already a thing?
That's exactly what we're going to change with today's launch! Our small team is super...
Turn your ideas into 3h+ custom Audiobooks
Enter your idea and we generate a full novel and turn it into your personal audiobook using AI. Choose between easy mode with just one sentence or an advanced mode where you can customize characters, genre, story time and place and more. IOS invite codes below
Turn your ideas into 3h+ custom Audiobooks