Jack Crane

Jack Crane

Verschlimmbessern šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
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Jack Crane
PDFify is an api for generating PDFs of html content or webpages in the cloud. I created it because I was needed to generate parking passes on another project and wanted to make them attractive using standard web tech. So I built it as a Service!
PDFs for developeres
Jack Crane
We all have friends who have Spotify (gross), but it shows what they are listening to in Discord! Being an apple music user, I felt left out so implemented it myself!
Apple Music Presence
Apple Music Presence
Add Discord rich presence for Apple Music!
Jack Crane
A first-class app that allows you to control everything about your DigitalOcean products! Right now, you can see information on your App Platform products, and create, read, and monitor your droplets. Roadmap is in the comments!
DigitalOcean Controller
DigitalOcean Controller
An unofficial first-class app to control DigitalOcean!
Jack Crane
Jack Crane
left a comment
Does DO have a plan for serverless or ai offerings?
Gabe Monroy
Iā€™m Gabe Monroy, Chief Product Officer for DigitalOcean. AMA šŸ‘‡
+1 comment
Jack Crane
JVerify is an effortless, secure, and reliable phone number verification service (VaaS) designed to make it easier to create a more reliable web. Use our simple API to help secure your apps with ease!
Better phone number verification
Jack Crane
DevSheets are simple, attractive cheat sheets for developers ranging from JavaScript arrays to HTML elements to CSS effects and React. Your purchase will get you access to all current and future DevSheets.
DevSheets - Volume 1
DevSheets - Volume 1
Cheatsheets for developers
Jack Crane
Alchemy is a modern, extremely simple, and easy to customize markdown-based static site generator. Built with node.js, markdown-it, and ejs, Alchemy allows for extremely simple content creation as well as rich templating support with layouts and includes.
Alchemy SSG
Alchemy SSG
A modern, fast jekyll alternative made on Javascript and EJS
Jack Crane
Opengraph image generator is a simple application that, using the online generator, generates attractive images for your og:image and twitter:image meta tags.
OG Image generator makes it easy for you to make custom previews without the need for design skills.
Opengraph Image Generator
Opengraph Image Generator
An easy opengraph image generator that gives you meta links