Jacob Handley

Jacob Handley

Founder - MentorConnect
19 points
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Jacob Handley

Freelancer Bidding A Freelancer's Best Friend

The #1 automated bidding software for freelancers. Actively bidding 24 hours a day, even when you're not, to secure projects you want to work on.

Set it and forget it. (Built onto Freelancer.com's API so you won't get banned)

On average 30 new jobs per month won by our beta testers.

Freelancer Bidding Extension
Freelancer Bidding Extension
A Freelancer's Best Friend
Jacob Handley
Get connected with a vetted mentor, online.
Jacob Handley

A Mentor Connection Service / Platform is a SaaS company with humans in mind, connecting them with highly vetted and regarded mentors.

While also providing success advisors and the tools required to succeed.

A Mentor Connection Service / Platform
Get matched with mentors from companies like Apple Amazon
Jacob Handley

MentorConnect is a SaaS company with humans in mind, connecting them with highly vetted and regarded mentors.

While also providing success advisors and the tools required to succeed.

A place to get matched with a highly vetted mentor
Jacob Handley

eTasked - is an entire platform and community devoted to connecting you with your ideal mentor, with our mentors covering over 99+ fields there is someone perfect for you, make an investment in yourself today!

eTasked - Find Your Mentor Today
eTasked - Find Your Mentor Today
Like eHarmony but for finding a mentor..
Jacob Handley
Find Your Ideal Mentor, Matched For You!
Jacob Handley

eTasked is a mentorship platform to find your ideal mentor in just about every field. Don't waste time trying to teach yourself, learn from someone who has actually done it.

Connecting you with your ideal mentor today