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Jai Pradeesh
DeepSource Discover helps you find code quality issues in thousands of open-source projects that use DeepSource. Scroll though a list of issues, find an issue that you want to fix, and make a contribution to improve the project's code quality.
DeepSource Discover
DeepSource Discover
Make your first meaningful open-source contribution
Jai Pradeesh
DeepSource Transformers removes the need for manual setup to make your project’s code stick to a style guide. Set it up once, and watch as DeepSource sends pull requests to your repository, or updates commits w/ formatted code in an existing pull request.
DeepSource Transformers
Run code formatters — on autopilot.
Jai Pradeesh
Good First Issue is an initiative to curate beginner friendly issues from open source projects. We believe getting developers to fix low-hanging issues removes the barrier for future contributions.
Good First Issue
Good First Issue
Make your first open-source contribution
Jai Pradeesh
DeepSource's Go analyzer detects over 150+ issues including bug risks, anti-patterns, and security vulnerabilities. Integrates with GitHub and GitLab. Free for open-source repositories.
DeepSource for Go
Static analysis you'd actually use
Jai Pradeesh

With seamless integration with development workflows and version-control providers, DeepSource saves tons of time and effort in hunting common bugs and in manual code reviews. It also enables tracking key source code metrics -- like documentation coverage, dependencies, etc. easily.

Continuous code quality platform for developers and teams