James Ewen

James Ewen

SEO, content & Notion πŸ™Œ
142 points
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James Ewen
James Ewen
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Amazing product, I can see this saving me a hella lot of time πŸ˜…
Keyboard shortcuts for every button in macOS
James Ewen
Get a highly actionable SEO tip to your inbox each day and become an SEO guru in 100 days.
All from 8+ years as an SEO expert.
100 days of SEO
100 days of SEO
An actionable SEO tip to your inbox each day
James Ewen
SEO isn't always easy, but this dashboard makes it easier simple. Plan, manage and scale your SEO in a powerful, all in one.
Includes writing & research tools as well as over 2000 resources to turn your SEO efforts into gold πŸ“ˆ
SEO Operating System
SEO Operating System
All-in-one Notion dashboard to scale and manage your SEO
James Ewen
James Ewen
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This is really cool, good luck with your project!
Content Editor 2.0 by Surfer
Deliver the most relevant pages for any keyword
James Ewen
The leading frameworks and techniques in project management, SEO, fundraising, marketing, and sales. All available in a fully customizable and dynamic Notion template. Preloaded with an investor CRM, startup tools, templates and events.
Notion Growth Workspace
Notion Growth Workspace
The all in one Notion template to launch your next project