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Jordan Mogck
Nice Newsletter makes it easy for companies to send newsletters that get read, clicked, and shared. Say goodbye to your corporate "E-Blast," and hello to a strategic newsletter shipped on a regular schedule.
Nice Newsletter
Nice Newsletter
Better B2B newsletters (done-for-you)
Jordan Mogck

I'm building a massive veggie garden and needed A LOT of wood chips. I signed up for Chip Drop and a tree service dropped off their load within the week. Win-win.

Chip Drop
Chip Drop
Helping gardeners get free wood chips from tree services.
Jordan Mogck

Send Mail Get Mail is a fun way to enrich communication between humans by slowing it down. No profile/accounts as of now; it's just a simple form which sends a physical postcard anywhere in the U.S. in 4-6 business days.

Mostly, I did this to play with some neat technologies. The whole thing is put together Lob, Gravity Forms, Stripe and Zapier!

Send Mail Get Mail
Send Mail Get Mail
A postcard-sending website.