Jasper Hartong

Jasper Hartong

Freelance Digital Product Developer
17 points
All activity
Jasper Hartong
🎆 Wish your friends a happy new year
Just write your personal message 🧠
Sprinkle in some emojis 💩
And share your message privately 🙊
Start sending wireletters now! 🌲
Wire your friends a letter like it's 2021 🎉
Jasper Hartong

Built to be always on, allowing you to go back in time and export the last minute at any moment.

- 🐛 Software testers: Instantly documented reproduction

- 📼 Stream watchers: Capture crazy stuff after it happened

- 🙉 Chaos monkeys: How did I just mess up?

Continuous screen recorder for Mac, jump back anytime.