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  • Jeff Desjardins

    Jeff Desjardins

    Data-driven storytelling enthusiast
    50 points


    If you've ever seen a nifty chart, infographic, or data visualization in your internet travels, there's a good chance it came from (or was inspired by) my team at Visual Capitalist, a company I founded and have bootstrapped since 2011. We love data and we've created over 4,000 visualizations since then (mainly focusing on business, demographics, investing, and the world economy). We get around 10 million visits to our website each month. But more recently, we've continued our journey by building a new data storytelling platform called Voronoi that aims to make data more discoverable and trustworthy for all. I live in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, and have way too many gray hairs for a 38 year old :) Thanks entrepreneurship!


    Founder & Leadership at Voronoi


    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5

    Maker History

    • Voronoi
      Discover data-driven visuals that help explain the world
      Jul 2024
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntJanuary 16th, 2024