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Jeff Hunt
Scout is a social and crowd-ranked search engine, where users can affect the index, view results w/out ads, and we are working towards it being community operated.
Crowd-ranked public operated search
Jeff Hunt
Scout is a next generation search engine experiment. We are launching a membership drive to bring our first Scouts onboard to our human-curated ad-free search.
Crowd-ranked search engine
Jeff Hunt
Jeff Hunt
started a discussion

Kickstarter campaign

Hi I am new to the community and sorry to lead with an ask for something, but if you are interested in next generation search please check out our kickstarter campaign. Scout is a new search engine based on organic crowdranked results and information fairness.
Jeff Hunt
Scout is next generation search engine based on human curated, organic results without ads, and a better business model between users and providers. Join the world's next great search engine!
Scout is the world's next great search engine