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Jeff Whelpley
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As a long time Nx user, I am pumped about this release. I would use Nx for literally any web development project, but it is especially useful when you want to implement a monorepo (i.e. multiple apps in one large shared codebase).
Besides providing so much value for your own project, one extra benefit of Nx that I've found is that it so many JavaScript devs are using it now that there ends up...

Smart, fast and extensible build system

Jeff Whelpley
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Having smart alerts right out of the box is really amazing and could be a huge game changer. So many of the tools in this space require a ton of up front investment to initially configure and then manually adjust on a regular basis.
The idea that I can have a product that just tells me when something is potentially wrong with my data is awesome. Can't wait to try this out.
Datadog for data — data quality alerts before users ping you

Jeff Whelpley
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This is so awesome! I always tell developers looking for jobs to find an inside connection. Don't just blindly send your resume to the company recruiter. Signal makes it easy to network your way into a company.

Signal by Drafted
Get introductions to companies as you browse career pages

Jeff Whelpley
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Tim is the most talented designer I have ever worked with and I love that he was able to put so much of his knowledge and experience into one tight package.
Pros: Quick access to invaluable information for designer and developers that want to create awesome products.
Cons: I feel like this would make an awesome podcast series. Tim, please make that happen!
The UX Engineering Playbook
Free resources to design and build fantastic experiences

The UX Engineer Playbook is a collection of free articles and resources to help ux engineers start their careers and learn to build fantastic experiences.
🎓 Become a UX engineer
💰 Benchmark your salary
🛠️ Build your first prototype
📊 Measure and improve your product with analytics
The UX Engineering Playbook
Free resources to design and build fantastic experiences

Ask the Hipmatic community to recommend the best clothes, home goods, and outdoor gear.

Find your next favorite product

Jeff Whelpley
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Ionic is one of the best pieces of front end technology out there and they have always been strong advocates for the web. I love what they have been doing with framework recently and this podcast is super interesting.
Pros: I have known Mike for years. He is hilarious and basically knows everything.
Cons: Mike's beard

Bet on the Web
A podcast about the Open Web from the team at Ionic

Jeff Whelpley
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This is cool. It is totally silly, but I love it.
Pros: It's a fun, easy thing to play with in slack
Cons: No real business purpose

A Slack bot that replaces faces with emojis

Jeff Whelpley
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This IMO is the ultimate version of what Drafted has always meant to be. Leverage your network and your friends networks to find the right person for the right job. I have always been impressed by the product that Drafted has created, but this takes it to another level. If you are trying to hire at least one person a month, you would be insane not to use this platform.
Pros: More reliable,...

Referral Communities by Drafted
Beyond employee referrals

Jeff Whelpley
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We use loom primarily for GitHub PRs, but I am going to start using it more in our Slack channel as well now.
Pros: So easy to use
Cons: Not as advanced with editing features
Loom for Slack
One-click sharing & In-line video plays, now on Slack.

Watch live in realtime as professional artists draw sketch notes for in-person or online conferences, meetups and other events from around the world. Sketches are usually funny, entertaining and highly informative.
Beautifully hand-drawn sketch notes for live events

Jeff Whelpley
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I have been a huge fan of Loom since their original beta. Last week I tweeted that while Loom was my favorite tool for recording video, I do use ScreenFlow for editing. With this new editing feature, though, it's Loom all the way for me from now on!
Loom 2.0
One-click screen recorder. Now w/ trimming & emoji reactions

Jeff Whelpley
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I am always trying to get my friends to work with me, but now with Draftedbot it becomes really easy to get an extra reward. Thanks, Draftedbot.
Slack Referral Forms by Drafted
Draftedbot V2 - refer friends in Slack