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Jibran Yousuf Khan
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CXL has proved to be one of the best learning platforms. I completed my CRO Minidegree from here which helped me in shifting my career from social media marketing to conversion rate optimization, only because of @peeplaja and his CXL.
Playbooks are a great concept and I am excited to try them out.

CXL Playbook Community
2500+ step-by-step marketing playbooks & peer support

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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The update is amazing. You guys really listened to customer reviews & feature requests. Good work 👍
Social Champ 2.0
Your one-stop social media management & automation solution

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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Looks promising, will definitely try.
Best of luck @gabriela_viral & @dudekbuzz
All-in-one tool for cross-platform social video analytics

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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This looks great! Best of luck @shahroze_nawaz & @usamanoman

SMS Chatbot
Build your own SMS based text-bot in Botsify.

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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This looks promising! @adityarao310
Just installed on our Slack channel, looking forward to the awesomeness.
Actionable feedback from your team, within Slack

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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Hey ?makers
Does SaaSPlace accept products & apps in the Beta stage as well? and what is the criteria for review?
The landing page is really good.
P.S. Just signed up.
Acquire, invest & sell SaaS products, plugins and apps

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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This is awesome. @aytekintank. What about other payment gateways other than PayPal? Considering PayPal doesn't work in some of countries. Hence, they rely on other gateways.
Credit Card Forms for PayPal
Create professional order forms for your website in minutes

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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This is super-awesome! I have got 2 questions. How to add a tool/product to Productverse? Will you be adding ratings to the tools/products?
Interactive visualization of best product management tools

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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We are currently working with Botsify to automate customer queries for Now this FAQ ChatBot tool looks promising as well. Kudos to @usamanoman.
Q: If I do not have a dedicated page for FAQs, and they are integrated into the landing page, will Botsify still be able to scrape the content or in other words, cherry-pick the FAQs only? Since there will be multiple types of content...
Botsify FAQ Chatbot
Fully Automated FAQ Chatbot Builder

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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Its a handy application if need to calculate your favorite Batsman Strike Rates, Bowler Economy Rates and if you want to calculate your favorite team run rate in current match and Net run rates of tournament.
Pros: Easy-to-understand & Simple UI, Attractive Interface, Fast Results
Cons: Didnt Notice Yet.

Cricket Calculator
An app for cricket players and fans to calculate statistics

Jibran Yousuf Khan
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Posts RepetitionAutomated Tweets and RetweetsRecycle ContentOne Click postingRSS Feeds
Pros: Able to post on multiple platforms, plus there recently launched, Recycle Content Feature has really earned this review.
Cons: didnt found any yet, except as its a recently launched tool so have to deal with minor issues.

Social Champ
A social media scheduling platform for all your needs