Joan Cardona

Joan Cardona

Indie iOS and pilot
57 points
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Joan Cardona
ShallPass makes organising events and meetups super fast and simple. Create an account to make an event, add the location, the time and a description and share the URL in every platform. People can confirm or skip without needing an account. No bullshit.
Make Events Great Again
Joan Cardona
Affirmations are a common tool in CBT psychology, proven to have a positive effect on our minds and personal development. By making a habit of listening to, a series of positive affirmations, we are able to build a more positive mindset.
Mindful Affirmations v2
Mindful Affirmations v2
Your source to a more positive mindset.
Joan Cardona
Palau Socks is a non-profit organisation that sells cool socks to raise funds for NGOs that help homeless and refugees.
Palau Socks
Palau Socks
Every sole matters
Joan Cardona
Affirmations are a common tool in CBT, and proven to have a positive effect on our minds and personal development. By making a habit of listening to, a series of positive affirmations, we are able to build a more positive mindset, and reduce stress and anxiety
Mindful Affirmations
Mindful Affirmations
Practice positivity through positive affirmations