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The Rattle is a music industry co-working business, providing specialist co-working space and recording studio facilities for entrepreneurs, artists and tech makers in the music community. The founders have put together some awesome backing and advisors, along with a pipeline of great music talent to kick off the first Rattle...
The Rattle
Studios & co-working for people in music
Joe Scarboro
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Thanks for hunting @stef! Hopefully Touchpaper can help a whole bunch of Product Hunt startups to be better prepared to work with corporates - it's not an easy path to take, which is exactly why we decided to look at providing some help here. There's plenty to do from the corporate perspective too as there are challenges on both sides.
We launched yesterday after 18 months of research,...
A toolkit to help startups work with corporates more easily.
A toolkit to help startups work with corporates more easily.
Two players, one survivor. Outlive. Outlast. Outrun.
Joe Scarboro
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Dare someone to get meta on this and create GoogleFuedFued - You have to guess what people answered on GoogleFued to each question - I got frustrated and entered some odd answers! Also, agree on the level of forgiveness, some flexibility would increase the fun for sure.
Google Feud
Family Feud meets Google. Guess the autocomplete query.
Unicorn Hunt
A magical beast of a job board