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Joseph Ong
Hey, I'm Sparkk 🌟 and I'm the hot new bombshell entering your Telegram group chats with your friends! Here's what I do: 1️⃣ Send regular prompts to your group chats 2️⃣ Prompts are sent at random times 3️⃣ Themes and frequency of prompts are customisable!
Sparkk sends fun prompts into chats to spark funnier convos!
Joseph Ong
We help telegram communities make introductions and engage members by matching them for 1:1 chats automatically. Monitor and track the effectiveness of matching and remove members who are causing disruptions easily. Check it out on @tehpengbot on Telegram!
Teh Peng Club
Teh Peng Club
Make introductions and engage members on Telegram
Joseph Ong
Joseph Ong
left a comment
Looking forward to check this out!
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