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Johnson Sun
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Congrats on launching Kick @conradwa! As someone who juggles accounting tasks daily, the idea of a "self-driving bookkeeper" sounds like it’ll take a load off my shoulders, especially the proactive transaction categorization. Look forward to trying it out!

Accounting software, that does the work for you

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on the launch of Teamhub! This is exciting, especially since keeping all our team tools in one place has always been a challenge for me. Having chat and project management so closely integrated will save me a lot of switching back and forth between apps. Looking forward to diving into this!
Project tools your team will stick with

Johnson Sun
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Congratulations on launching @leslie_x! Looks like a powerful tool to simplify the creative process. Being able to turn everyday photos into something extraordinary is a big deal, especially with how easy it is to use. Look forward to try it out!
Vary your photos and turn moments into stories

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on the launch of! This app looks very interesting. I can see myself using a personal AI to help organize my life and inspire me daily. Looking forward to trying it out!
Quick question: Since it's not just a notetaking app, what exactly does it do? Does it only summarize my notes? Or it also gives suggestions or generate more content based on my notes?
The inspiring companion for your life

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on launching Stageset! As a marketer, this tool is very helpful. I love the tracking feature, which offers insights into how the recipients interact with the page. It seems like a great tool for B2B sales and marketing. I'm looking forward to trying it out!

Create deal-winning sales rooms in seconds

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on launching Qovai! As a marketer, I always seek ways to boost engagement and streamline social media management. Qovai's AI-driven ad creation and scheduling features sound exactly like what I need to improve my campaigns. Excited to try it out!

Generate social media post and Ads using AI

Johnson Sun
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Huge congrats on launching Cohesive! Combining AI, web research, and email validation directly in the spreadsheets saves time and streamlines workflows. Looking forward to trying it out!

Cohesive AI
AI powered web scraping & research in Google Sheets

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on launching Sourcer AI! It looks like a useful tool for everyone, where verifying information quickly is crucial. Looking forward to seeing it in action!
Quick question: How does Sourcer AI handle AI-generated content? Will it mark AI-generated content as having low reputability even if the info is correct?

Sourcer AI
AI powered fact-checker for article reputability and bias

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Johnson Sun
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@tisoga Congrats on launching Devv! Your tool looks like a game-changer for streamlining development workflow. I’ll recommend it to our dev team so they can try it out.

Developer-centric AI search, augmented by code and docs

Johnson Sun
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Congrats @neil_clayton on launching iShowU V6! The new features, like the real-time, layer-based recording and AI background removal, look pretty cool. Also, focusing on specific apps or windows is very useful for me. Excited to try it out!

iShowU V6
Realtime, layer based screen video/audio recorder

Johnson Sun
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Congrats @wladradchenko on launching Wunjo! Seems like a super cool tool for creating videos. I'd love to see how face swap and lip sync work. Excited to explore the features!
Quick question: seems the skin color will be swapped to match the face - will it be done automatically?

AI powered face swap, lip sync, remover and content editing

Johnson Sun
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Congratulations @evanletz on launching Trade Trender! As a trader, I know how crucial it is to track and analyze trades for improvement. This tool will really help me spot patterns and make better trading decisions.
Quick question: Does Trade Trender offer any integrations with popular trading platforms like TradingView or MetaTrader?

Trade Trender
Interactive trade journal

Johnson Sun
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Congrats on launching Dad Can't Draw @joshmccoydev! Even though I don't have kids yet, I'm sure parents would enjoy your product and have lots of fun with their kids.

Dad Can't Draw
Create custom coloring pages for kids from text prompts

Johnson Sun
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Congratulations @natechenette on launching Omi! This tool is a game-changer, helping streamline contract management and ensuring users never miss a renewal.
Quick question: Can Omi integrate with existing CRM systems to pull contract details automatically?
AI powered contract and vendor management

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