Jon Yablonski

Jon Yablonski

Senior Product Designer, Mixpanel
38 points
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Jon Yablonski
Laws of UX is focused on making complex psychology heuristics accessible to more designers through an interactive resource that collects those that are relevant to user experience design.
Laws of UX
Laws of UX
Collection of best practices for building UIs
Jon Yablonski
This book is an accessible introduction to the psychology fundamentals that have a direct influence on design and how people process and interact with the interfaces we create by deconstructing familiar apps and experiences.
Laws of UX (The Book)
Laws of UX (The Book)
Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
Jon Yablonski
Jon Yablonski
left a comment
AWWWWESOME! I was just looking or something like this.
All Design Conferences
All Design Conferences
A list of all front-end and design conferences
Jon Yablonski
A resource that provides guidance for designing ethically humane products through best practices focused on user well-being.
Humane by Design
Humane by Design
Design ethically humane products