Josh Fraser

Josh Fraser

Cofounder, Origin Protocol
76 points
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Josh Fraser
Origin Marketplace enables decentralized, open commerce by allowing users to create listings, make offers, and otherwise interact with the Ethereum blockchain without needing a special browser or another device.
Origin Marketplace
Origin Marketplace
Power hundreds of decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplaces
Josh Fraser

We empower developers and businesses to build decentralized marketplaces on the blockchain. Our protocol makes it easy to create and manage listings for the fractional usage of assets and services. Buyers and sellers can discover each other, browse listings, make bookings, leave ratings and reviews, and much more.

Origin Protocol
Origin Protocol
Sharing economy built on blockchain
Josh Fraser
Josh Fraser
left a comment
Really fantastic work guys. I wanna play with it!
Mixed reality & positionally-tracked VR headset for iPhone
Josh Fraser
Ingredient delivery for restaurant recipes