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Joshua D'Souza
CloudSafaris African Hotel & Lodges are a collection of properties (currently in Tanzania and Kenya) that you can stay at. Weā€™ve focused on lodges within safari parks to show you where you could be when on safari.
CloudSafaris, African Hotels & Lodges
CloudSafaris, African Hotels & Lodges
Find hotels and lodges to stay at in Africa.
Joshua D'Souza
CloudSafari offers curated African trips (made by safari experts) with live availability and seasonal pricing - we are making safari booking for Sub-Saharan Africa as easy as booking an all-inclusive. Booking requests are reviewed and confirmed by our team!
Safari booking in Africa as easy as booking an all-inclusive
Joshua D'Souza
It's like if Vercel and Docker had a baby: You write VM configurations in a language that looks like a Dockerfile, and every commit creates a preview environment that can be "promoted" to a production site.
Hosting by
Global CDN, zero config TLS, free custom domains
Joshua D'Souza
Created by a former website accessibility engineer, Website Linter is a free developer tool from that allows you to proactively create reports that help you catch technical errors for website health.
Website Linter by
Catch webapp errors before customers do
Joshua D'Souza
Pimp my README is an open source profile builder that you can use to add some cool components to your README profile. Reminiscent of MySpace days and its myspace editor (
Pimp my README by
Pimp my README by
Make your GitHub README profile look cool
Joshua D'Souza
Joshua D'Souza
left a comment
This is exactly what I need right now, thanks for this!
Top of the Lyne
The most exciting SaaS growth stories
Joshua D'Souza
Joshua D'Souza
left a comment
Amazing product, with a great value proposition!
Powering retailers with same-day delivery