Jonathan T

Jonathan T

I am a Swift Developer - Jonathan T.
7 points
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Jonathan T
In Snippets Studio, save code that you frequently use or want to reference later. Organize your code with custom languages and tags and sync your snippets to your iCloud-enabled devices. No need to search through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
Snippets Studio 2.0
Snippets Studio 2.0
Save your frequently used code
Jonathan T
Have you ever wanted to change the case of text in your clipboard without opening a word-processor? Well today is your special day! The SHOUT menu bar app lets you quickly switch between text cases. Copy text, convert, then paste it. That's it!
SHOUT - Text Cases
SHOUT - Text Cases
Switch between text cases
Jonathan T
In Snippets Studio, save code that you frequently use or want to reference later. Organize your code with custom tags and languages and sync your snippets to your iCloud-enabled devices. No need to search through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
Snippets Studio
Snippets Studio
Save frequently used code