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Justin Halsall
Record as quickly as you can demo your product. Our AI edits the video and removes any mistakes. No need for retakes; you’re done in minutes.
Record Once
Record Once
Create video tutorials with AI that edits and fixes mistakes
Justin Halsall
Justin Halsall
left a comment
Any plans to add support for Puppeteer?
Replay for Test Suites
Replay for Test Suites
Fix flaky browser tests once and for all
Justin Halsall
Justin Halsall
left a comment
Awesome new features!
Frontend Monitoring by Highlight
Frontend Monitoring by Highlight
The best way to monitor the performance of your frontend
Justin Halsall
Justin Halsall
left a comment
Was this inspired in any way by "Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR!" ?
Pirate Manifesto for PR
Pirate Manifesto for PR
Declaring a war on bullshit PR and the empty message.
Justin Halsall
Nerdy Tech Talk in #Amsterdam
Justin Halsall
Slack community for the Amsterdam tech scene