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Juilee Mahimkar
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Though I am a designer myself and prefer animating my mockups myself, it sure takes a hell lot of time.
I liked the look and features offered by Mockoops and would like to give it a try.
How many template do you offer?

Create jaw-dropping animations from boring screencasts

Juilee Mahimkar
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I think what will prove to be most helpful in creating great content is connecting with your target audience and genuinely trying to understand what they potential (users / readers/ viewers) are expecting and then creating and presenting it in an apt way.
The secret to creating great content…
Shivi Jalota
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Juilee Mahimkar
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Absolutely relatable @ksusha_golovchenko !🥹
I am an illustrator and Designer and since my hobby is my profession, sometimes it's really difficult to draw a line between work and pleasure and make art for myself.
And this got kind of worse during pandemic ☹️ as the activities that I used to do for myself like going out for movies, swimming, and visiting my library, all came to an halt.
I then...
How much time do you spend on hobbies?
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Juilee Mahimkar
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📌This week I am trying to -
1. Follow my time table day-wise so as to maintain the balance between creative days and not so creatives days.
3. Prepping for my upcoming storybook project.
4. Boost the marketing strategy for the product we just launched
and lastly.
5. Spend some time with my vision board✨
Almost done with it through...
Makers, what are your goals for this week?
Dan Kulkov
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Juilee Mahimkar
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Have to say, great marketing video! 🔥
It's really economical at initial stages to cast team members for promotional videos. Great job at that as well you guys 💯
Collect visual feedback directly on websites, PDFs & images

Juilee Mahimkar
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That's a great start and a wonderful initiative @ireteh ✨
Congratulations on the launch!👏
Find the most trusted sustainable products with askBelynda.

Juilee Mahimkar
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Finally! Had been waiting for this launch.🔥 Team ruttl killing it will amazing features!
My favourite being inspecting and editing real time and Bug tracking! ✨
Major life changer!
Kudos to the team! 👏
Collect visual feedback directly on websites, PDFs & images

Juilee Mahimkar
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Looks super clean!✨
I use bookmarks heavily and like them to be neat and organized. I never felt the need for using an external app but when I came across Pinecone, I instinctively felt like trying it out.
How do I import my existing bookmarks from Safari? I read through the instructions in settings but still can't seem to figure it out.
Save links privately & share knowledge with your team

Juilee Mahimkar
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1. Notion-
I had been notion since last year for planning and managing my work and freelance projects but this year I started using it as my journal. And I am just loving the experience of daily journaling with Notion.
Of course, pen-paper is always the best ❤️ but, maintaining all the hard copies was becoming a task so I thought I would give Notion a shot and try out digital journaling this...
Makers, What's been the new tool you can't live without for 2022?
Orlando Villanueva
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Juilee Mahimkar
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At the moment I just use the basic timer with a prominent alarm tone. I try not to stretch it for too long, max 10 mins snooze and then I just get away from technology.
Go around the house chatting with family members or just sit by myself reading book, etc
I think it's really about disciplining ourselves. Just like we try to get things done on time, we also need to unwind on time.
What tool do you use for maintenance of work-life balance?
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Juilee Mahimkar
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Exactly what I was looking for!
Needed a little break from my instrumental playlist but still wanted something that won't be a distraction. And this worked beautifully. Even the experience while using it was good! Well designed!👍
Congrats on the launch ✨
Like Spotify, but for natural soundscapes

Juilee Mahimkar
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Hi @cristinaimre , we at Brucira use BRUTASK-
We built Brutask to make our lives easier during the pandemic. And what makes it great to use is that it feels less like a tool and more of a virtual office! Right from daily standups, virtual meetings, or having some chill cafe time, you can do it all in 'Spaces' i.e. your virtual office. It also has the traditional visual...
What are the best remote working tools (software, apps, platforms) you use at your startup, and why?
Cristina Imre
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Juilee Mahimkar
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Working weekend can be tiring sometimes, mentally if not physically.
But I think it all depends on the kind of perspective we have towards our work. I have observed that when I need to get something done which is really boring, I find myself super exhausted by the end of the day. But if I am working on some exciting personal project or experimenting new stuff which is twice time-taking and...
Do you work on the weekends?
Richard Fang
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Juilee Mahimkar
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This is Awesome! Can't wait to try it with my team!✨

FigJam by Figma
An online whiteboard from Figma designed for teams

Juilee Mahimkar
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Looks very clean and nicely designed! Definitely gonna suggest my team.
Congratulations on the launch!

Framer App for Windows and Mac
Faster prototyping on desktop

Juilee Mahimkar
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Hi Tanoy,
I too have been working towards the very same goal like you.
Writing is a very investing quality which takes time to grow. But as we are into it, here are 3️⃣ things that helped me a lott!
1. Read Read Read!📚
Read as much as possible! You might want to focus on a particular genre, which is great but, do make a point to try different genres every once in a while just so that you know...
What are your best tips on improving writing quality?
Tanoy Chowdhury
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