Julien Vicente

Julien Vicente

Founder of @ushouldcome
20 points
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Julien Vicente
Promote your events online, send invitations by Text and email, manage RSVP and automatic reminders, and get analytics. In 5min.
ushouldcome makes the organization of events like Open House effortless.
Scheduled invitations by Text and email for events
Julien Vicente
Julien Vicente
left a comment
Great team, great product, great UX.
Zyl 3.0
Your pics with magic, everyday
Julien Vicente

[UPDATE: we pivoted to become a webplatform that promotes events online, and send invitations by Text msg and email in 2min. See https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ushouldcome-1/]

The ushouldcome app is the easiest way to bring your friends together.

[Pivoted since 2018] The ushouldcome app
[Pivoted since 2018] The ushouldcome app
[See https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ushouldcome-1]