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Brent Jackson
Check the contrast between different colour combinations against WCAG standards.
Colour Contrast Checker
Colour Contrast Checker
Check the contrast between different colour gainst WCAG
Brent Jackson
Using a Gatsby theme, all of your default configuration is abstracted out of your site, and into an installable package. You can seamlessly update a theme, compose themes together, and even swap out one compatible theme for another.
Gatsby Themes
Gatsby Themes
Ship and use chunks of Gatsby functionality as npm packages
Brent Jackson

Provide a single color value and Palx returns a full-spectrum color palette, well suited for UI design and data visualizations that work harmoniously with brand colors.

Automatic UI Color Palette Generator
Brent Jackson

Build pages and prototypes with Lab UI components. Prototype with React and JSX without needing to setup a dev environment or manage dependencies. Automatically syncs with Lab for live preview of your design. One-click page publishing or export as static HTML and CSS. Comes with a local http server to easily view your prototypes across breakpoints

Compositor Iso
Compositor Iso
Build pages and prototypes with Lab UI components.
Brent Jackson

Compositor is a new set of tools for designing and building user interfaces.

Compositor Lab
Compositor Lab
React UI component design tool
Brent Jackson
Compositor Projects
Compositor Projects
Beautiful, Fast, & Simple GitHub Project Pages
Brent Jackson
Beautiful, Fast, & Simple GitHub Project Pages
Brent Jackson
Hello Color
Color contrast generator
Brent Jackson
CSS Stats
CSS Stats
Enter a URL and get statistics for a site's CSS