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Transform numbers into complicated math expressions. It's perfect for adding a bit of mystery and fun when answering questions like your age, height, or Wi-Fi password. Enter a number, press Enter, and get a ridiculously-complicated math equation.
Math Encrypt
Math Encrypt
Turn any number into a complicated math equation
A simple interactive web game that aims to improve your math skills. Simply drag and drop the number that fits into the crossword, and move to the next level if you are correct. Contains an infinite amount of levels with varying difficulties.
Math Crossword
Drag & drop your way to math mastery
Crypto Predictor Bot — is a forecasting Telegram bot powered by Facebook's open-source forecasting model, Prophet.

It helps you to project upcoming price volatility for over one hundred cryptocurrencies over multiple time windows.
Crypto Predictor Bot
Crypto Predictor Bot
A Telegram-based bot that forecasts crypto prices