Kacper Staniul

Kacper Staniul

Maker of Scrapbook Tactics Database
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Kacper Staniul
MyArchitectAI gets you 90% of the result of complex non-AI rendering software with just 10% of the effort and cost. No installs or learning curve.
Create photorealistic architectural renders in under 10s
Kacper Staniul
After analyzing 100+ SaaS websites and helping their teams understand why their sites are not converting, I created this checklist so more companies can create higher-converting landing pages.
SaaS landing page optimization checklist
SaaS landing page optimization checklist
96 actionable guidelines to get your LP to the top 10%
Kacper Staniul
Discover the landing pages used by the top DTC brands. Get inspired by their design, learn their tactics, and create higher converting LPs for your company.
DTC Landing Page Directory
DTC Landing Page Directory
Collection of 300+ LPs from the fastest-growing DTC brands
Kacper Staniul
Kacper Staniul
left a comment
Amazing resource, Harry! Will revisit often.
Copywriting Examples
Copywriting Examples
The world's best copy. In one place.
Kacper Staniul
Kacper Staniul
left a comment
I love the simplicity of Tweek!
Tweek Calendar
Tweek Calendar
Minimal weekly planner and to-do list
Kacper Staniul
An ever-growing database of advanced tactic ideas for every step of the funnel.
Never run out of tactic ideas again.
280+ SaaS growth tactics database