Kaijie Chen

Kaijie Chen

Co-Founder & CEO at MidReal
88 points


Hey folks! I'm Kaijie, the creator of MidReal. I graduated from Duke in 2020, where I studied Mechanical Engineering and Human-Robot Interaction. Ever since high school, my dream has been to create a virtual world where we can live parallel lives, free from the burdens and responsibilities of the real world, and simply be our true selves. Come on, who didn't want to be a rock star during high school πŸŽΈπŸ˜† Now with MidReal, I feel I've never been closer to my dream. Today, MidReal uses AI to generate stories with text and images, but tomorrow, we will see movies and interactive games. Before long, there will be an AI-driven 3D virtual world where all our imaginations and desires can be turned instantly into consumable content. This is where we're heading. I hope to see you there 🎈


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Maker History

  • MidReal
    Create interactive stories with AI, one choice at a time
    Mar 2024
  • πŸŽ‰
    Joined Product HuntFebruary 22nd, 2024