Katya Veremeichik

Katya Veremeichik

digital marketer at Approveit
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Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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Are there any CFOs among us? Need advice

We're now introducing a new feature in Approveit (https://approveit.today/) - cost centers. it allows you to allocate budgets for each department or project, and follow the amount you're spending on it. The question: Should we subtract the paid amount from the budget that covers the factual payment date, or should we subtract the paid amount from the budget it was supposed to be paid from...
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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🚀 Approveit launched on Product Hunt! Let me thank you guys

Being a part of PH community is exciting, educational, and fun for me! I get to show my product here and see all the amazing startups you guys present in this community. Thank you for your support, inspiration, and encouragement. Link to Approveit in case you want to check it out https://www.producthunt.com/posts/approveit Approveit helps SMEs to organize and simplify invoice processing...
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
left a comment
It shows how much work has been done since the last launch, amazing! Go Approveit!
Vendor contract management & bill approval in Slack/MS Teams
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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What do you hate the most in software products?

What annoys you while using a SaaS? What frustrates you? What is your #1 reason for refusing to use certain software products?
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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I would visit 1960s Europe and America. Golden age, really.
Udayraj Parmar
If you could travel back in time, what era or event would you visit and why?
Udayraj Parmar
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Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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I like personalized interviews. They are the best way to actually get answers to your questions.
Paul Pamfil
What's your favorite process for gathering and interpreting user feedback?
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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Great job! Algorithms are such algorithms :)
Nithin Jawahar
I found a SEO Hack: We went from Page 2 to Page 1 of Google in 24 hours
Nithin Jawahar
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Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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Do you watch promo-videos that are longer than 1 minute?

I'm trying to figure out the optimal video length for PH launch. Need help from the community :)
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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Buse Başar
Which emoji best describes your product/service?
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
started a discussion

How do you avoid meetings that could have been an email?

I mean... Is there a way at all?:)
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
started a discussion

How do you inspire and stimulate your team to work better?

How do you inspire and encourage your people to adopt new methods, and integrate new processes and improved techniques into their workflows? How do you help them adapt to changes in your business operations?
Katya Veremeichik
Katya Veremeichik
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Pray I've mixed up the days and it's Sunday
Gizem Nur Keskin
What's one thing you NEED to do on a Monday morning?
Gizem Nur Keskin
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