Kaveen Molligoda

Kaveen Molligoda

Aspiring Product Led Growth Specialist
142 points
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Kaveen Molligoda
Kaveen Molligoda
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For SaaS, Mixpanel might be the easiest and fastest to set up and track.
Founders/ Managers/ Operational Heads etc..
Kaveen Molligoda
Kaveen Molligoda
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What tools are you using to do automated software testing and monitoring?

I have been using Solarwinds Pingdom for a while now and it serves us well but i'm always on the lookout for a cheaper alternative. Any recommendations?
Kaveen Molligoda
Kaveen Molligoda
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Looks very straightforward. I hope it's not hard to implement :)
Victor Zhang
Idea: create your workflow across apps with drag and drop. what do you think?
+1 comment
Kaveen Molligoda
Kaveen Molligoda
started a discussion

What type of chatbot would you consider for your industry?

If you decide to have a chatbot on your website and social channels, Would you prefer a rule based bot or a contextual bot? Or maybe a mix of both? Let me know if you don't want one at all (Would love to know why)
Kaveen Molligoda
Kaveen Molligoda
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We launched this already so not an upcoming product but we always love feedback: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... There's a 14 day free trial!
Drop the URL of your upcoming page or Landing page and let the PH community give feedback