Kelli Veach

Kelli Veach

Co-Founder & Company Culture Enthusiast
38 points


Hi everyone! My name is Kelli and I love helping companies get their culture right, which is why I jumped at the chance to help build a platform with the goal of keeping human connection at the center of work. My background is in HR and transitioning into HRTech seemed almost second nature. Now I lead our customer experience branch, working with our wonderful clients to increase active participation and bring their wildest culture ideas to life. As Co-Founder, you can imagine that the job description doesn't just end there. I'm well practiced in wearing lots of different hats, from sales to contract negotiation to consumer data insights. In my free time, I really enjoy running, reading, and traveling. I do a little Orangetheory coaching part-time, and I adore my puppy - Finnegan!


Founder & Leadership


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Shaka
    Tools to create a thriving culture within the workplace!
    Oct 2023
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    Joined Product HuntOctober 6th, 2023