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Texts has integrations for all major messaging platforms including iMessage, SMS (with iMessage), WhatsApp, Telegram, FB Messenger, Twitter and Instagram.

One inbox. All your messages.

Don't you get annoyed when you accidentally type everything with caps lock on?
SmartCapsLock lets you just select the text and press Caps Lock again to instantly fix the case instead of typing everything again.

Lets you select text and hit Caps Lock to change the case

Kishan Bagaria
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Are you a touch typist?

Lets you select text and hit Caps Lock to change the case

Kishan Bagaria
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I got the idea for this on r/Showerthoughts a few years ago and never imagined Reddit would make me productive 😄
This is also great for touch typists – anytime you want to change the case of text, you'd have a handy shortcut to do it. Like while making sPonGEBob mEMeS, or if you're a programmer and want to convert text into snake_case, kebab-case, camelCase or PascalCase.
Let me know if you...

Lets you select text and hit Caps Lock to change the case

Kishan Bagaria
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Hi PH! I've been working on a menu bar app for macOS called SmartCapsLock:
It lets you convert the case of any text by selecting it and pressing Caps Lock. This allows you to easily fix the case if you accidentally type something with Caps Lock on, or to make sPongEboB MeMeS 😄
I'll be launching it on PH soon. Would love to hear what you think about the...
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Kishan Bagaria
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I'm working on a macOS app that cannot be published in the Mac App Store.
Can anyone recommend a good platform for publishing paid apps? Gumroad is one but I'm looking for something that integrates better with the landing page of the app. (Also Stripe isn't available in my country)
What are you working on this week? (w/c 23 September)
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