Ciprian Dragoi

Ciprian Dragoi

In Online Business
55 points
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Ciprian Dragoi
Ciprian Dragoi
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A platform developed during the weekend with my voluntary-isolated friends.
Track My Circle
Track My Circle
Get email when peer to 3rd degree is found Covid-19 positive
Ciprian Dragoi
To help you keep safe, while also protecting those around you, Track My Circle enables you to get an instant notification when someone in your circle is a confirmed case, so you can self-isolate immediately to stop the virus from spreading.
Track My Circle
Track My Circle
Get email when peer to 3rd degree is found Covid-19 positive
Ciprian Dragoi

Client did not pay?

Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away. Set a due date and customize the number of days you offer them until the website is fully vanished 🤑

Just load the not-paid.js file in <head>

Client did not pay?
Make their site fade away every day 🤑
Ciprian Dragoi
User onboarding tool
Ciprian Dragoi
Have a changelog based on Wordpress
Ciprian Dragoi
Ciprian Dragoi
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$2500 from romania for 3 days in april is not giving me any result
Find places that you can travel based on a fixed budget.