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Kensuke Numakura
If you got DNA tested from companies like 23andMe/AncestryDNA, you can transfer your DNA data to Genomelink and unlock hundreds of apps like:
🧬 Ancestry report that goes deeper than 23andMe
🧬 200+ more body and mind traits than are available on AncestryDNA.
Genomelink 2.0
Genomelink 2.0
DNA app store to unlock more from your 23andMe/Ancestry data
Kensuke Numakura
Genomelink provides ancient ancestry: a somewhat different view of your DNA. We aim to provide you insights on the historical events which converged upon you as an individual. Looking 5k+ years back. Based on the most up-to-date research. Anonymous and secure.
Genomelink Ancient Ancestry
Upload DNA data and learn more about your ancient ancestors