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  • Krishna Dahal

    Krishna Dahal

    Founder of Algebra, Inc.
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    Krishna Dahal
    CoinDesk Nepal is the Leading Decentralized Blockchain news portal of Nepal and Nepali community that runs on censorship-resistant mechanism built upon RECAP blockchain. Articles are not controlled by anyone; article-writers get reward in RECAP coins.
    CoinDesk Nepal
    CoinDesk Nepal
    Decentralized News Portal for Blockchain & Crypto in Nepal
    Krishna Dahal
    MovieMarketCoin (MMC) is the first movie-related cryptocurrency that provides incentive-based reward system for all contributors and also defines the ticket value system of all movies. In other words, MMC is a token primarily for movie ratings.
    MovieMarketCoin (MMC)
    MovieMarketCoin (MMC)
    Decentralized Crypto Token based on AI For Movie Rating