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kuno fell asleep

Welcome to #TextGang

You can change the text to over 12,000 styles. The generated text can be posted on various SNS ( Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Slack, WhatsApp, LINE.. ) as just text.

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Let's make your SNS profile text and posts crazy.

kuno fell asleep

It is a camera application using slit scanning technology. When you move your device or an object, the preview image distorts. You can shoot pictures with analog texture and unique blur. Also, before taking a picture, you can change the slit pattern from the left menu and switch some color filters with the left and right swipe.

Sui Sui Camera
Sui Sui Camera
Morphing Slit-scan filter camera app
kuno fell asleep
kuno fell asleep
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FYI : Screenshots added.
FastFilm Camera
FastFilm Camera
High quality film-like camera
kuno fell asleep

- Allows anyone to take high quality, film camera style photographs.

- By turning the flash on, you can create a photo that is more film-like.

- By using manual focus like an advanced user, you can blur the photo any way you want.

- When you have taken a photo you are happy with, post it on Instagram with #FastFilmClub.

FastFilm Camera
FastFilm Camera
High quality film-like camera
kuno fell asleep

The desktop precursor to this app was produced in 2014. It is an application that allows the user to reconfigure the pixels of an image according to specified rules.

That app is not available, but its output images can still be seen on the creator's Instagram(@kunoworldwide). As the app involves removing pixels from their original positions, abandoning their roles, it was named "Pixel Strike."

PXSL is a reimplementation of Pixel Strike for iOS, utilizing the Metal-powered GPU to perform high speed image processing. While retaining the original concept (that is, for each pixel, either replacing its information with another pixel's, or retaining its original information), we have increased the number of modifiable parameters, allowing you to create an even greater variety of image effects. Though the pixels relocated in accordance with your rules clearly stand out from their neighbors, this creates a blur-style visual effect. You needn't only look forward to turning your normal photos into a blurry mess, though. By mathematically combining parameters, you can produce geometric patterns and textile-style effects. The screenshots show only a tiny example of the total possibilities. Please try making your own.

PXSL - Pixels to be reloaded
PXSL - Pixels to be reloaded
Image processing app for iOS