Kyle Mathews

Kyle Mathews

Founder @gatsbyjs
222 points
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Kyle Mathews
Kyle Mathews
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Woohoo! Congrats on the launch! Excited to use this soon on a project!
AuthGuardian by OneGraph
AuthGuardian by OneGraph
The easiest 3rd-party sign-in for your apps and APIs
Kyle Mathews
With Incremental Builds in Gatsby Cloud, when a developer or content creator makes a data change in their CMS, Incremental Builds will rebuild only what’s necessary—giving you up to 1000x faster builds with most data changes happening in under 10 seconds!
Incremental Builds in Gatsby Cloud
Incremental Builds in Gatsby Cloud
From static sites to real-time builds
Kyle Mathews
The best way to create, update, and deploy Gatsby sites
- Real-time Preview: View live content updates from your headless CMS
- Blazing fast Gatsby builds in the cloud (in beta)
- Performance reports
- Free tier for small sites
Gatsby Cloud
Gatsby Cloud
Building ambitious websites just got easier
Kyle Mathews
Blazing fast static site generator for React