Kyra Aylsworth

Kyra Aylsworth

Insights + Product at Mayday
91 points
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Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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Congrats on the launch! Looking forward to trying it out!
AI-powered builder to create your emails
Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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Have you ever worked with a personal assistant? If not, would you and what would you want help with?

I would like someone to keep me on track with my target daily routines, help me ensure that I'm focused on the right things and protect my time from context-switching.
Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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I love all the mentions of the streaks and badges in these comments! 😅
Austin Armstrong
Name the top 3 things you love about Product Hunt
Austin Armstrong
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Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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And, we're live! Anyone else sitting in front of their launch dashboard in the middle of the night?

Today we are launching Mayday: Your AI Scheduling Co-pilot. It's the aIl-in-one calendar, task manager and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS and iPad. Now with AI-scheduled Tasks and Outlook support. Would love to hear what you think!
Kyra Aylsworth
The aIl-in-one calendar, task manager and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS and iPad. Now with AI-scheduled Tasks and Outlook support.
Your AI scheduling co-pilot
Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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Way to go! 🙌
I am shocked, PH!
Gabriele Mazzola 🧭
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Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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Congrats on your launch! The Brand Voice feature looks intriguing!
Your ultimate AI writer: powerful, friendly & affordable
Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
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Good luck with your launch!
Jawad Tijani
Launch Day! Wish me luck guys!
Kyra Aylsworth
Kyra Aylsworth
started a discussion

Is there anything you wish your calendar just knew about you?

Examples: "Not to book any meetings on Friday afternoons", "I like to work on marketing tasks on Wednesday mornings", "You haven't had your MIL over for dinner in over a month" ;)