Björn Lapakko

Björn Lapakko

Head of Relations at Databutton
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Björn Lapakko
We make it more fun and easy to play together. Our creative platform connects people and unleashes their creativity across physical and digital spaces. Get started here.
Create, share, and play your own games. 🧩 🧠
Björn Lapakko
Mussila Music School is an award-winning app with hours of musical lessons, challenges and games carefully crafted by musical experts and educators, designed to provide a playful experience. Mussila is perfect for beginners.
Mussila Music School
Mussila Music School
An Award-winning music learning solution for children.
Björn Lapakko
Björn Lapakko
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Nevercode 2.0
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Björn Lapakko
Where Growth Companies are Funded and Traded Across Borders