Lavanya Mishra

Lavanya Mishra

Indie hacker interested in the future
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Lavanya Mishra
SearchPulse lets you jot down those spontaneous questions or ideas that distract you during work. Save them for later, so you can stay focused now and explore your curiosity when you've got time.
Focus. Save your curiosity. Search later.
Lavanya Mishra
SearchPulse is a Chrome extension designed to boost productivity by saving search ideas for later. Quickly store search terms with one click and revisit them at your convenience. Stay focused, avoid distractions, and keep track of your thoughts effortlessly.
Save search ideas, stay focused, and search later with ease.
Lavanya Mishra
Serenify is your personal space to clear your mind and find calm. Write down whatever is bothering you, then let go of those thoughts like releasing them into the wind. Experience relief as your mind relaxes, promoting mental clarity and emotional well-being.
Clear Your Mind, Embrace Calm—Serenify Your Thoughts Today.
Lavanya Mishra
Dustbin Journal lets you vent negative thoughts and secrets without fear of being read or hacked. Research shows that throwing away written thoughts brings peace. Write your thoughts and safely delete them afterward, like tossing paper in the dustbin.
Negative Thoughts Dustbin
Throw your negative thoughts away in an online dustbin.