Vavrinec Cermak

Vavrinec Cermak

Head Analyst at Diar
40 points
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Vavrinec Cermak
1000s of people posted predictions for Web3 in 2022 last week.

Here are the top 50 Twitter threads to get ahead on NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, P2E, BTC, ETH, L1s, L2s, etc...
300+ Web3 Predictions for 2022
300+ Web3 Predictions for 2022
Top Twitter threads to get ahead in Web3
Vavrinec Cermak
This Crypto dashboard was built to address a lot of this industry’s analysts’ frustrations. Every chart in the dashboard is easily embeddable via a simple HTML code. Just click on share and then copy/paste the code on your website/blog or whatever. And you instantly have dynamic charts that look pretty.
The Block - Crypto Data Dashboard
The Block - Crypto Data Dashboard
On-chain metrics dashboard for cryptocurrencies