Lex Deak

Lex Deak

Co-Founder @ Basket - Shop Everything
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Lex Deak
Basket is a mobile app that lets you add products from anywhere online simply by 'sharing' to Basket. We'll then let you know about price drops. Simple as that! Shared Baskets and web version coming soon.
Save products from anywhere online and get price drop alerts
Lex Deak
Lex Deak
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Awesome to stumble across this Stef 👏
Year of Colour 2020
Find out which colours you most used on Instagram this year
+1 comment
Lex Deak
Lex Deak
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Nice pivot guys 👏
Automated fashion extraction from videos
Lex Deak
Lex Deak
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Nice really clean design guys 👏
Daybridge Private Alpha
Daybridge Private Alpha
A calendar built for people, not companies.
Lex Deak
OneDeck is a simple yet powerful tool for creating and sharing your one-page investment summary in under 10 minutes.
Pitching, refined.
Lex Deak
Compare investments from leading online platforms