Lior Barak

Lior Barak

I enable actionable data
30 points
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Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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Why should we use Wordpress for landing pages?

Hello community, I would love to hear your opinion about the pros and cons of using WordPress, looking at the aspect of data collection capability and no-code, it sounds to many users as the go to tool, what will be your argument against it?
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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Why don't we democratize our data?

In the past few months, I am on a path to learn more about our ability to democratize data. The ability of this tool is huge, from having full transparency of data across the organization, clear KPIs and at some points even save us time on unnecessary analysis How do you help people in your organization learn about data and make data actionable?
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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How do you collect your user behavior tracking?

He everyone, Wanted to ask how do you store knowledge about your tracking and events? Where do you save what you track? How do you save details on why you track it? Do you even care about which events are fired from your platform to the backend/data lake?
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
started a discussion

We plan a complete rebrand of our company - What should I know

Hi everyone, Our domain exists already since 2017, we created a lot of content on it, however, it's no longer relevant to what we are planning to do. How did you deal with such a change, what are your best practice and things I must keep in mind when we change the website?
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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Founders do you know how much you spend on marketing/product which fit your user's needs?

Hi everyone We are looking for guests to join our podcast "WHAT the Data?!" --, we are looking for growth stories using data, we will love to host you to have a conversation about how you used data to develop your business, how did you find the market-fit using data and maybe going against the data culture? If you interested you can check the form here...
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
left a comment
This is such a cool idea!
Customer Value Optimization Course
Customer Value Optimization Course
Become a certified Customer Value Optimization expert.
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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Do you have data in one place? What challanges did you face getting it?

Hi makers! I wanted to ask you how did you prepare for the big day and the day follow regarding data, how did you collect data, where did you store it? How did you monetize and still monetizing your user acquisition? I am looking to learn before I finalize my opinion about a product MVP I was working on, any help, follow up questions or extra information will be helpful here
Lior Barak
Working with a lot of clients on building their data infrastrucutre I found that many of them were not tracking events correctly and storing them. However, the biggest challange we faced was that no one could tell us if it's in GDPR/CCPA complaince.
Tracking event sheet
Tracking event sheet
Privacy focused tool to track your product tracking events
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
started a discussion

Unpopular opinion, you use way too many dashboard and KPIs

Yes, I am talking to you dear creators, looking to grow your business is not a simple task for that we learned to say "We are data-driven" just because someone told you saw, but the problem is that we all don't really understand what it means to us. Dashboards should be simple and created really not every question or problem should be accommodated by a dashboard Dashboards should give you an...
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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I am there but didn't manage to get anything out of it yet
Hannah S Kim
Are you on Indie Hackers?
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
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Can you convince me that without Excel you won't have data?

I led the no-Excel policy in one of the biggest retail companies in Europe and I think that since we moved into structured Dashboards and daily granular data we became even faster in making decisions, but we also simplified the complexity of a problem I see more and more organization using EXcel to analyze and process data, I think it's wrong, I also think setting a reporting system such as...
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
left a comment
So how do we change things, if we all agree on it, why do we keep developing apps that send push notifications?
Lior Barak
90% of push notifications are a reminder for me to remove an app
Lior Barak
Lior Barak
started a discussion

90% of push notifications are a reminder for me to remove an app

I don't know if you feel the same, but many apps overuse push notifications, sometimes, they just hope to generate a DAU and nothing more, sometimes, after I receive one or two very irrelevant push notifications I remove the app from my mobile, I don't even wish to open the app and turn the push-off. I think that having a simple onboarding that let you select which tips of push notification...