Lior Grossman

Lior Grossman

Parallel Entrepreneur
744 points
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Lior Grossman
TailoredRead helps you learn faster with AI-tailored books. Specify your subject of interest, background, and goals to get a custom book crafted just for you. Level up in any subject and save days of learning with books tailored precisely for you.
Learn faster with AI-tailored books
Lior Grossman
StatusSight monitors 3,000+ popular services and APIs for outages and incidents. You can create custom dashboards and set up email alerts to stay ahead of outages in the services you rely on: infrastructure, APIs, DevOps, IT, marketing, sales, and operations.
Real-time outage alerts for the services you rely on
Lior Grossman
Lior Grossman
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Amazing! Congrats on the launch, @sagivo and team!
Generate better SDKs for your API
Lior Grossman
Lior Grossman
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Congrats on the launch! Very impressive!! 🚀
Supercharge your money with the world’s first money router
Lior Grossman
Say goodbye to tedious manual competitive research! Competely is an AI-powered tool that generates competitive analysis for your product - within minutes! The analysis covers product features, marketing strategies, positioning, audience, sentiment, and more.
AI-powered competitive analysis in minutes
Lior Grossman
Flawless uses GPT-4-Vision to audit your landing page for design and usability issues, offering actionable fixes to improve your user experience and conversion rates
Instant UX audit for your landing page
Lior Grossman
Our AI assistant analyzes any Amazon product page you visit, and provides you with quick product insights: top pros & cons from reviews, notable features, and potential shortcomings. Save hours in research, uncover product issues, and start shopping wisely.
AI assistant to help you shop wisely on Amazon