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Mārtiņš Līsmanis
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Have used your service here locally but can you please explain more how can I show line information on TV?
Also have you thought about checking-in before opening time or on specific time slot? Could be deal breaking options.
Go Estonia! You Rock!

Queue management system that improves visitor experiences.

ZIB Chamois Panties
The most comfortable and colorful women's cycling underwear

Mārtiņš Līsmanis
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Hi Product Hunt community! I'm one of the founders of MapOnShirt and would like to invite you to be early discoverer. is a tool for creating beautiful map designs from your own place and in your own loved colors. The full customization is possible - to add text, images or markers, to change a level of map details. Currently MapOnShirt offers to purchase your designs on all-over...

Create a custom shirt from any map

Create a custom shirt from any map