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WP Spotlight is the ultimate search and navigation tool for WordPress. Quickly find posts, manage plugins, themes, users, media, updates, and more—from your dashboard/frontend. 10x your productivity, and get more done in less time on your WordPress website.
WP Spotlight
Find anything on your WordPress Admin, Instantly
Liton Arefin
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Great to see new player in the Industry. Best of luck @w3guy mate.
WordPress instant indexing & SEO insights
Liton Arefin
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Hello Hunters!
We’re back! It’s been almost 3 years since the initial release of WP Adminify on Product Hunt and since then we’ve come a long way. We initially launched WP Adminify to offer a no-code admin customization option on WordPress.
In these 3 years, we’ve been continuously working to incrementally improve WP Adminify to a point where anyone can pick up the plugin and customize...
WP Adminify
Extensive WordPress admin customization
Customize your WordPress admin with WP Adminify V4.0's fast performance, smart dark mode, & extensive options. Boost productivity, enhance security, and optimize speed from an intuitive backend—ideal for developers, agencies, and those serious about WordPress.
WP Adminify
Extensive WordPress admin customization
18+ special modules like WordPress Dark Mode, Login Customizer, Admin Column, Pagespeed Insights, Horizontal Menu, Admin Notices and so on are available within WP Adminify. The powerful options panel will help you personalize your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
WP Adminify
WordPress dashboard customization plugin for better UX