Abdelrahman Awad

Abdelrahman Awad

Senior Frontend Engineer
95 points
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Abdelrahman Awad
Rasayel: Meta-verified WhatsApp Business platform. Close more deals and cut support time with WhatsApp Flows, CRM integrations, chatbots, and analytics. Lightning-fast onboarding (3 minutes) - Try for free today.
WhatsApp Flows by Rasayel
WhatsApp Flows by Rasayel
WhatsApp flows, CRM integrations, chatbots & more
Abdelrahman Awad
Make it easier for your visitors to reach you on all your social media and chat apps. A free Omnichannel Chat Widget from the Octopods and Rasayel team.
Omnichannel Chat Widget by Rasayel
An omnichannel chat widget for your website. 100% free!