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Loic Alix-Brown
Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or creator, you’re working with limited time and a never-ending list of things to get done. It’s time you got the helping hand you deserve. Meet your new brainstorming, writing, and planning partner for Social.
AI Social Marketing Assistant (Beta)
AI Social Marketing Assistant (Beta)
Your brainstorming, writing, repurposing & planning partner
Loic Alix-Brown
Open Benchmarks is a free tool to help you keep track of 'what's normal' on Instagram. Whether that's to see if other Instagram users are also experiencing a drop in a particular metric, or because you'd like to uncover areas you could be performing better in
Open Benchmarks for Instagram
Open Benchmarks for Instagram
See how you stack up against 40k+ creators and brands on IG
Loic Alix-Brown
Loic Alix-Brown
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Robins Gupta
What is your first app you begin your day with?
+1 comment
Loic Alix-Brown
Instagram is always banning/un-banning hashtags based on recent content and activity, which means it's near impossible to avoid them slipping into your posts - our banned hashtag checker allows you to check a hashtag's using Instagram's official API.
Banned Instagram Hashtag Checker
Never worry about using banned hashtags on Instagram again.
Loic Alix-Brown
We have dedicated our weekends to building a free product that helps businesses reduce the number of users leaving their platforms - whilst providing customers who are being forced to cut costs with discounted or free subscriptions to the platforms they need.
Reduce Covid-19 customer churn
Free drop-in cancellation page for subscription businesses
Loic Alix-Brown
Keep up to date with the performance of your Instagram account without lifting a finger.
Simply create a free account, link your Instagram business profile and you're done!
This is a free product by Instagram Hashtag Platform, Flick.
Free Instagram Reports
Free Instagram Reports
Weekly performance round-ups sent straight to your inbox!
Loic Alix-Brown
Churnally replaces your unsubscribe button with tailored actions and offers to help you reduce churn and learn exactly what is causing users to leave your product.
Build and fully customise your cancellation flows a simple and intuitive drag and drop UI.
Reduce your customer churn with custom cancellation flows
Loic Alix-Brown
Loic Alix-Brown
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Loic Alix-Brown
Using AI, we analyse your Instagram account and provide the most relevant hashtags that you're likely to rank in the 'top posts' section of:
- New feature from the #1 Instagram hashtag platform
- Increase your organic reach
- Speed up your hashtag research
Find Instagram hashtags you can rank on
Find Instagram hashtags you can rank on
Find the perfect sized hashtags for YOUR Instagram account.
Loic Alix-Brown

Using AI, Flick is able to suggest the best hashtags to use on Instagram. Flick's hashtags will help you to:

- Reach your target audience on Instagram

- Organically increasing the reach and engagement of your Instagram posts

- Organically grow your Instagram followers

Grow your Instagram with quality hashtags