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Lubomir Fotev
Mitrip helps travelers save hours of planning research by generating tailor-made day-to-day itineraries. Simply enter your travel details and your activity preferences, and get an optimized day-to-day travel itinerary personalized to your interests.
Personalised day-to-day travel itineraries powered by AI
Lubomir Fotev
Parrity 2.0 - A growing collection of free business books from top academic institutions & business writers readable directly in your browser. No additional apps, readers, or downloads.
Parrity 2.0
Parrity 2.0
Hundreds of free business books in your browser
Lubomir Fotev
With chopcast, you can make your existing content work harder for you. Chop your long-form videos and podcasts into tons of social content to keep your audience engaged across any social platform. Search videos by topic and keyword to generate tons of clips.
Chop long videos into tons of social media content with ease