Luke Cannon

Luke Cannon

Write an NFT newsletter
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Luke Cannon
Luke Cannon
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Love to see this MASSIVE update Noah! Great tool
Potion 2.0
Potion 2.0
Create custom Notion websites in minutes
Luke Cannon
SleekBio is the easiest way to share content with your followers on Instagram, Twitter & everywhere Get more clicks with all your links in one spot - no more switching links in your bio Plus, diversify your audience so you're not dependent on one platform!
SleekBio 2.0
Embed any content in the world’s simplest bio link
Luke Cannon
In a marketing world that changes so quickly, texts are the best way to help you stand out. With ShortySMS, create success easier and faster — use keyword triggers to subscribe contacts, create welcome automations, send one-off campaigns, and so much more.
Text message marketing automation, for any budget
Luke Cannon
Instead of sending emails back-and-forth, just share a TidyCal link & let the other person choose a time that works for them.
Create multiple booking types, connect up to 10 calendars, & integrate with Zoom, Google Meet, Zapier, Google Calendar & Office 365.
TidyCal 2.0
Scheduling that's 10x faster & 10x simpler
Luke Cannon
We're opening the email vault from our $100+ million company. Get 40+ word-for-word email templates we've used at AppSumo to negotiate deals, sell products, generate backlinks, secure influencers, get replies from busy people... and so much more. 🎉
Million Dollar Email Templates 2.0
Steal the emails that have generated $100+ million
Luke Cannon
Luke Cannon
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This is awesome Louis, loving it already and discovered it last night!
Read Something Great
Discover timeless articles from the belly of the internet.
Luke Cannon
Luke Cannon
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Congrats on the launch Jakob! Super interesting!
Deep dives, trend brainstorms, and niche data for founders
Luke Cannon
Luke Cannon
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This is really cool Traf!
100 Project
The world's first crowdsourced NFT 💯
Luke Cannon
Easily browse some of the best tweets from David Perell (@david_perell).
Perell Tweet Generator
Perell Tweet Generator
Random Tweets from David Perell