Ma'ayan Plaut

Ma'ayan Plaut

Ma'ayan Plaut, RadioPublic
All activity
Ma'ayan Plaut
🎨Customizable embed player moves listeners to subscribers—to your podcast and to your email newsletter
👀Market smarter by tracking conversions with podcast websites and landing pages that work with every platform and hosting company
RadioPublic PRO
Podcast marketing tools for listener relationship management
Ma'ayan Plaut
📈Podfund supports podcasters building creative, profitable & impactful businesses
💰We provide $25K–$50K based on stage, track record, evidence of traction, revenue, intended use of funds
📝Creator-friendly terms ensure you own & control your IP & your business
We fund and support emerging podcast creators
Ma'ayan Plaut
💰Tools for podcasters to put their best foot forward, earn money, & learn about their audience.
▶️Focus on continuous listening with hand-curated features & stations.
📱Introducing the brand-new HearMarks™: save & share moments within a podcast episode.
The podcast app that helps podcasters grow
Ma'ayan Plaut

🕰️Spend less time on your website and more time on your podcast.

🏆Your Podsite™ is simple to set up, affordable, and you’ll look like a pro instantly.

👋Free domain name with each Podsite.

A fast, beautiful, professional website for any podcast
Ma'ayan Plaut

A Podcard is part e-card, part gift card, part personalized podcast playlist. Designed for podcast listeners to get their friends and loved ones in on podcasting, we auto-generate a personalized playlist of 5–10 episodes based on your choices ("festive", "entrepreneurial", "dramatic"). For podcasters we have a custom version featuring your show.

Give the gift of podcasts to someone you know
Ma'ayan Plaut

RadioPublic Medium Embed
RadioPublic Medium Embed
Easy embed player for any podcast feed, episode, playlist