

A Social app for Science & Technology !
8 points


MadScientist is a social network for science and technology enthusiasts around the world. With a curiosity of knowing the current happenings in the technology field, you can use MadScientist to visualise them. What's possible with MadScientist ? 1. Share anything on MadScientist related to science and technology as images, audio, video, text, document and even 3D. 2. MadScientist lets you create Write-Ups and engage in discussions with forums. 3. Access moderated and fact-checked technical information from various people around the world. Special care is given to tackling Misinformation. 4. Network with many, one can access tech professionals across many fields. 5. Swoop into new technological trends happening on the planet. Sign up now and Stay tuned for more.



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